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How to increase your life expectancy

Policy Selection Ltd

Older non-smokers, those in their 70s and beyond, are likely to have significantly increased life expectancy if they tick some or all of these key boxes established by insurance underwriters responsible for calculating life expectancy, according to new research by Policy Selection Ltd (PSL).

PSL, which runs Assured Fund, one of the UK?s biggest life settlement funds, asked its two major underwriters to identify the key determinants which have a direct impact on life expectancy for those aged 72 and over.

  • Those living in cities benefit from significant advantages over those a living in rural environment. These include the ability to receive rapid, quality medical care for most conditions, especially for those who have pre-existing medical conditions that require frequent, expert support.

  • Having a pet, preferably a dog which needs daily exercise, can make a substantial difference, as simply walking a dog a couple of times a day can add up to 18 months to typical life expectancy.

  • Regular exercise, such as playing golf, tennis, or swimming can also have a direct bearing on how long older people live, adding at least 12 to 18 months to the life expectancy of a 75-year-old man or woman.

Those of 75 plus still living with their spouse had a greater chance of longer life: a man aged 75 suffering acute depression as the result of losing his wife would see his own life expectancy reduce by up to two years.

While there are a host of typical events that can affect life expectancy; anything from chronic conditions such as cardiovascular illnesses, diabetes, arthritis; some of the fundamentals form a significant basis on which life expectancy criteria are based.

Life insurance: News update: 28/09/2009

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